Many of you may remember The Weed Steed. It was my 68
XLCH that was in a
Sugarbear frame. It was fun as shit to ride, and it never let me down. I had to recently sell it to
acquire my 66
shovelhead. I was sad to see it go, but the shovelhead is gonna rule. I caught wind from Duane that someone had seen my old chopper on craigslist, and I ended up finding it in Jackson, Mississippi. It looks very different now then it did when I had it. I see that it still has that rare ribbed primary on it though. Here's the photo.

I was expecting way worse when I went searching for the craigslist listing. Lose that period blood red paint, and it's not too shitty looking. I still would have kept those sketchy ass rabbit ears that I was running on it.