Wednesday, February 10, 2010

On the way back from Cinci........

We pull over to get gas in the middle of nowhere Tennessee and I hear Duane say " Hmmmm, Panhead."

I get out and take this photo and realize that this thing is in for the long haul. We look around and see an older grey-beard inside the gas station sipping on some coffee. That's how we met Panhead Billy. We sat and talked shit with him for a good 30 minutes. Turns out he was headed to Birmingham from California and knows a good deal of the same people that the rest of us do in the motorcycle world.


  1. Irish Rich wrote a bunch of shit about Panhead Billy a while back. Crazy life.

  2. Panhead billy is the shit. I've seen him in probably 20 different states.

  3. I've got a photo of that bike taken at Bonneville that I clipped out of an issue of Cycle Source a couple years ago. Always wondered who it belonged too. Bitchin' Pan.

  4. i heard billy say "yeah, i go through a lot of heads." fucking awesome!
