Sunday, May 22, 2011

The Big Mountain Run 2011 Report.

Once again, the event that you don't want to miss was amazing. There is just too much to describe and here is some of the magic that I captured. We got to kick it with some of our best friends in the world, and met new ones at the same time. Lots of riding was done and I'm saving those photos for tomorrow. I know you guys don't want to hear me rant, so here's just a taste of some of the action that occurred during our weekend of madness.

Me and Chauncey rode up solo on Wednesday to secure our campsite.

Warren and Ben showed up early as well. Always super stoked to see our Northern bros.

We took it pretty easy the first night. Still a great time being out in the woods with your buddies though.

Then the locals showed up. Yeah, that's a daily driver.

The next day started with a beer and jamming around on the back of Warren's bike. Me and him wrecked again this year. This time it was on his Knucklehead.

It's tassle time.

Jeremy's kid.

Edward 32 hands.

Chopper circle. If you don't know, now you know....nigga.

We played wizard staff. Ben won before dark.

Jerimiah found a snake and we hung him from our sign.


This Sportster is cool.

America, fuck yeah. White pirates.

Adam's chopper. It rules.

Kid Rock mixed with Joe Dirt with a touch of Jax from Sons Of Anarchy.

Matt actually hung out all weekend this time.

Shit like this only happens when you are drunk. Booze is a recipe for good ideas.

Surf's up!

Touch the wave.

America, fuck yeah.

Bag O Donuts showed up. Better late than never. Tony, I actually forgot to tell you bye when we left. Love you, bye.

Fire power.

Eric from the BDAC was king of the night.


Oh yeah, Tennessee is known for moonshine. There was lots of it.

Believe it or not, Spenser and Bowles are both on a bike in this photo doing a burnout.

The bands were playing about an inch behind me.

Dammit man. Midnight Mike.

Out of control.

Robbie Crisp. He later puked on Eric.

Bust a wheelie.

Ryan looks like Easy E with that blonde ass jerry curl.

Spenser's photo shoot for his new bike. These photos turned out unreal.

Ok. I got Flounder to body slam me through a table in honor of Macho Man. After that, we all decided that we hated that table and proceeded to fight the shit out of it all night.

Donuts' directions.

Awesome XS.

Fuck yoooooouuuuuuu.

Pickle dick.

John The Painter hanging out in paradise.

River Pig.

Flounder's new ride.

Fakie rock.

Teach gettin' it.

Four dudes at the same time.

Chris from Cycle Source is a stand up dude. He sent a keg over to our campsite for our own personal consumption. Thanks Chris!

Blonde Danzig. Worship the body.

We got to meet Wes from the Lords Of Loud. Absolutely had no problem hanging out with that dude. He thinks the same shit is fun that we do.

Let those baby's roast!

Quad Cam Bastards.

Free beer rules.


Ryan decided that he didn't want to ride home, so he K.O.'ed his bike.

Rock and roll.

A live snake was found right before we headed home. I hate snakes.