Thursday, September 30, 2010

This is amazing. Just watch it.

I just threw up in my mouth a little bit.


  1. wow. its like a inner city high school football team took a bunch of horny goat weed.

  2. WTF?!?!?!?!?!?!?! Five fuckin dudes just gangbanged a goddamn foot stool! Who the fuck does that?

  3. niggers are so silly, i guess you get bored when the crack money runs out and your cuz aint hooked you up with a new supply. yaay steroetyping!!

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. wow. i'm speechless. Actually, i'd punch those bitches if they tried those moves in bed with me. A good laugh is if you search Youtube for the dance called "Daggering"

  6. That foot stool is gonna get pregnant now and no one is gonna pay for the little baby foot stool. Except us.

  7. never seen a foot stool with aids...hmmm

  8. I want to smell that ottoman.

    Pre$$ure just texted me...finally!
    I thought" You know, If I let this guy put on an Usher cd and do some smooth moves to my anus, he won't respect me or call me tomorrow."
    But he did. He did.

  9. The results are in for 2 month old baby foot stool...Pipelayer, you ARE THE FATHER!!!
