Monday, September 20, 2010

the golden hour.

so as i said before, i got a G11 from my lady for my birthday. I was really itchin to use it and Nick was really itchin for some cool photos of his sportster. After we stopped working on saturday we cruised up the street to some old metal yard or something of that sort and used the new camera to its fullest. Here are some results-


turnin' and burnin'

Shane rules

my bike is a turd, so i have to ride the shit out of it for some cool photos.

rooster tail

the face of happiness

study Nicks chopper closely- it resembles the perfect balance of fun-to-look-at VS. fun-to-ride that everyone dreams of for their machine

Paint by Dill Pickle paintwerkzzz

express yourself through art

found a petcock


  1. Good description, my bike IS the bestest bike in the world. Every other bike can eat my shorts........dude.

  2. Fun is pointless.
    I do not envy the riders of motorcycles.
    A smiling face is a cover up for a small penis.
    I will eat your shorts.
